Country File

By marypot

Ho ho ho

Busy day that started with a baking session with the help of Grace and Ophelia (stem ginger shortbread, gingerbread cookies and tablet fudge, much of which was eaten before it was finished being prepared). Then the girls and I went to the hairdressers. Check out Ophelia's new 'do' - her first proper haircut! After lunch we had a Xmas party to go to. Thank you Liv for hosting a brilliant festive get-together, and for organising the sending of messages up the chimney to Santa. The kids were enthralled.

It was a particularly special get together as it was the first to be attended by Baby Will, the newest member of our not-so-little gang. Hard to believe that a few years ago we were just half a dozen pregnant ladies and now we have 15 kids between us!

Somehow managed to fit in a trip to Tesco after all that this evening. The girls didn't take long to fall asleep tonight!

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