Newcastle Gateshead Snowgirls

Here's Grace and her best pal Gabrielle enjoying a little play in the snow outside The Sage in Gateshead, with the Millenium Bridge and the Baltic Arts centre in the background. We were at The Sage for their annual screening of 'The Snowman', accompanied by a full orchestra playing the score. Pure Christmas magic; just wonderful. The girls were mesmerised by the performance. Grace was especially captivated by the young girl who sang 'Walking in the Air' (and quite rightly, as it was a hauntingly beautiful performance).

It's lovely to see Gracie so into her music. She's addicted to the tv show 'Little Einsteins' and seems to have learnt such a lot from it, so she recognised a lot of the instruments and was really interested in the conductor and the orchestra. We'll definitely be looking to go back to see The Snowman next year, and maybe Ophelia will be old enough to go then too!

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