A moment in time...

By shellyd

Made it - 100

Can you see it...my desperate attempt at making 100.

Hope everyone is have a super duper Christmas Eve.

I got all the shopping done, we then headed to the movies to watch Arthur Christmas (what a fun movie).

Some last minute wrapping and I think we're ready.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

p.s. nearly forgot

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About the items...

The clay giraffe I bought from some local boys on the side of the road. From young ones to guys in their teens. They make various clay animals and try and make a living this way. I bought quite a few animals from various places in the area. Got some beautiful rhinos for my mom, for Christmas.

The baskets are made by weavers in the area - these were bought in the Royal Natal Park. They had some amazing baskets - only wish I had more money.

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