Merry Christmas from Prague

Merry Christmas everyone.

Prague is a marvellous city and we have had a very special morning. We went to Mass at St Vitus Cathedral, part of the Castle complex. Everyone was so welcoming and shook our hands (even though we hadn't a clue what was going on)

Then we had a very good guided tour of the area, including Golden Lane - and an excellent Grog (Czech rum speciality for when it's cold).

Then we went on for a spectacular Christmas lunch with the very best roast fallow deer I have ever tasted.

My chosen pic is of one of the stained glass windows in the cathedral. It was designed by Alfonse Mucha (who I thought was French but was actually Czech - apologies)

I hope everyone is having a marvellous day (especially my fellow blipper gazweasel who is also enjoying this terrific city)


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