Moment's Wonder

By MomentsWonder

By the Fire

The pictures on my DSLR all have the wrong dates on them. I tried to blip a picture of Sam having his gingerbread house for lunch on the 24th. It just captured the day for me.
It posted the 23rd of December. My camera did not roll over the date. I went in and re-adjusted my camera. Second time since I started blipping, by the way.

I have no idea how to change the dates on individual photos in the camera after the fact, or how to re-upload onto my computer pictures I have already loaded. I even tried deleting the pictures off the computer and reloading. Nope.

Frustrated, just a little? Can you tell?

So, I gave it up, loaded the car, Sam and headed up to Duluth. Camera along, still have half the day.

Today, I'm ready to blip today and yesterday. Really pleased with some of my photos. Dates are off again.

I have some research to do on dates and my camera.

Iphone to the rescue for the 24th and the day is not over.

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