must try harder

By halfcj

I'm a one year old again!

I cannot believe it's a year since I started blipfoto. Seems like no time at all. It's not only a reflection of that year and the events I have recorded, but also a parody o life itself.

I cannot believe my children are grown-ups, I cannot believe I am as old as I am, I certainly don't feel it inside my head, it's just my bones that laugh at me.

I couldn't think of a better way of celebrating my blip birthday than sharing my babies with you. They are all starting out in the world that is rapidly leaving me behind laughing at my efforts to make my mark upon it. But I laugh back knowing that my subjects here are my best efforts. In that way, blipfoto mirrors life. I may not have made a mark on the bf community (reaching spotlight I think just on three occasions), but I has rewarded me in ways I cannot begin to explain.

What I can say is that it has forced me to take a shot every day, to think about my day and made me want to do better. It's a philosophy I am going to try and apply to my life outside bf and maybe life will treat me more like bf has. I also thank you all who have followed and commented from all around the world. I have also followed most of you and it has given me great pleasure to see your lives and your work, and to be a part of your varied and interesting lives.

I look forward to the next year, not sure I will post everyday, now that I have achieved my initial objective, but I hope from here on to post some insight, something interesting for you to see and read.

For today, this last year has taught me that actually, I am lucky in the important things in life. Turning around the rest is just superficial icing on the cake. Yes it looks good and tastes good, but it can rot your teeth and make you fat! So here's to just having your cake and just eating it! Cheers and Happy Christmas everyone.

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