must try harder

By halfcj

Twas the night before Christmas....

....and all was peaceful and ready for the morrow.

B has been very poorly the last couple of days so we're hoping she's going to be able to join in a wee bit tomorrow, for it's a big day all round. Of course we all know why...well it's my blip birthday tomorrow!!!...on Christmas day of all days!

The morning will be carnage! "he's been he's been!". Poor Emma. She will experience a Christmas day in our house for the first time. I hope she's ready!

So here's the Christmas tree...the third wave of pressies to us all from the extended family, but first, Santa's lot will be laid at their beds, if he comes, and then of course he will leave the second wave in their stockings at the fireplace, which no-one gets to see until after breakfast!

Ah...I hear the sleigh bells...better be off to bed.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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