Christmas day and we spent 2 nights at nana and grandads,
It was fun, but I wasn't feeling 100%,
so kept mummy and daddy on their toes,
I got lots of presents, including this guitar,
this came from Peggy (real name Karen, from london)
(mummy says if your reading this, thank you xx
she sent me down some money and mummy got me that)
I also got a camera (boxing day blip!)
Out all the things I got,
these 2 are my fav,
My guitar playing features me singing,
stumming along, then saying tada with a bow,
I also got some more happy land people,
and a huge tent, which daddy has no idea were its going to go,
I received a fun little package from Katie xx
and a little pirate lady from Izzy,
I got a few other bits and pieces, which need to be sorted,
It was fun, but I spent more time hiding in my tent,
reading my new mickey mouse book,
occasionally snapping a photo!

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