Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

I woke up wide awake at 4am,
Mummy and daddy bleary eyed,
took me downstairs,
before waking nana and grandad,
they offered me food,
I flopped on the floor screaming,
everything met with a NO,
they give up, turn on tv,
and collapse on the sofa,
I glare, I wander round,
what destruction can 4am bring,
Bored I throw myself into daddy's legs,
for an hour, I torture him with yells of *duddles* down NO duddles,
finally he says BED.....515am I am back in bed snoring!!
We all finally get up properly at 8am,
and have breakfast, before I start snapping away,
as you can see I have this viewfinder thing down to a T....!
ahem!!! :)

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