The Orient Express

By koko

Only 364 days to go.

Happy boxing day, this is some of my gifts, blip has got me hooked i think. The new bag is a must i think, due to dropping a lens in the sand in the summer, also losing my spare battery, fell out of the old bag somehow and finally i'm hoping it will help with prevening back ache. Also hoping to mess about with photo shop, if i ever find the time.
Thanks for the mention yesterday magickingdom, who is based in South Africa, a place i'm very fond of. Most of my childhood life my grandad who had spent most of his army life in South Africa, had always talked about how he loved the place , telling all his army stories. Well after he died he left my sister, brother and i ,an amount of money each.On asking them what they were going to do with it, i was told paying bills.Where as i decided to do something in his memory and visit South Africa for a holiday as he had always said i should, a place i really loved and would urge anyone to go, i hope to go back one day !! Hope i'm not rambling too much, i'm off to fill the new bag now ;))

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