A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

Eighty Eight Today.

Today is mum's birthday.She is eighty eight years old .She recently lost her sight after a long battle to save it.It should be such a happy occasion but instead, the day is tinged with sadness.Since losing her sight she seems to have lost interest in everything and apart from eating, has no interest in life whatsoever.She spends most of her day sleeping.Despite efforts to try and keep her active and involve her in family life, (she has lived with us for some fifteen years since my father died) she chooses to vegetate.Life is indeed a long process of growing tired.We managed to get her to open a couple of her presents but the conversation was punctuated with 'someone will need to help me ' and I can't see what it looks like.' It must be so dreadful for her and it certainly is very frustrating for us, as there seems to be nothing we can do to lift her spirits.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love. "
Mid morning, the kids , hubby and I headed out to a local park for some fresh air.On arriving, we paid a call at the nursery in the grounds to purchase some duck and deer food.We visited the ducks by the lake and Fraz and Lisey fed them.Lisey was a little wary of the deer, despite the fact they are used to people, but maybe rightly so, because at one point two of them crossed antlers and head butted each other while hubby was feeding them, resulting in a painful thumbnail.
This afternoon, Eli has gone out to have afternoon tea with an old school friend while we lounge around.
Tonight will be mum's celabratory dinner, although she would probably prefer a bag of chips from the local chippie!!Happy Birthday mum.

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