Playing with ones tripod in the woods...
Mr W purchased me a lovely all singing all dancing tripod for Christmas and a fancy camera bag that holds all my stuff and room for some more ... so we set off,me looking like a camera nerd with all my equipment strapped to my back... like I was off on a hike ;)
So we set it up by the big fallen tree and I said 'LETS ALLLLL JUMP OFF' in an excited loud voice... I set the camera up and put it on 1o second timer and also rapid fire 10 shots..... well,I don't sprint... and by the time I got to the log and ON it (it was higher and trickier than I thought) they had begun to jump....I could not take any more as STUPID ME had forgotten the battery was low....anyway the important thing is we are all on the same photo and they all do as I say ;)
What I will say is Lucy has a hat problem,it keeps rising up her head making her look like an egg.
Cake intake... tooooo much...
chocolate intake.... toooooo much....
turned the remnants of the turkey crown and stuffing into a curry and we just had it with mini popadoms and mango chutney and I feel sick... this seems to be a common occurrence in my world.... and also I just spent a good hour meal planning as we have a few visitors on New Years eve (DDLC and Velvet frog and familes) and also on the 2nd which is a bank holiday we have Jayney and boys and Aunty Karen,the boiled egg man (he looks like one WITHOUT a hat and Amelia) this is for Eve's birthday which is on the 4th........
My shopping will arrive on the wagon on Thursday morning at 10am... how civilised....
ohh and a little aside... last year on New years,I made them all go home at 9.30 as I wanted to go to bed,I have let them book a taxi for 10pm this year as I feel generous x
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