Blimney Chip
We found ourselves in Oakworth today on a beautiful clear day with a couple of hours to kill, and in the distance I spotted a huge chimney stack!
My recent chimney blips have made me realise they do make quite a good subject as you're pretty much guaranteed to get a bit of sky too!
~This guy's a genius! Did he study rocket science?
So Catherine and I found a muddy footpath across the way and as luck would have it, it led right to the chimney! I couldn't find anything out about it except it's a mill chimney.
No mill though...
Oakworth is where The Railway Children was filmed, and they've kept the train and stations in the era.
Walking back from the chimney we heard the chug chug of the steam train so ran along the muddy path to try and get a view. I got a great picture of the steam!
The line is the Worth Valley where the Steam Train runs back and forth passing every 45 minutes or so.
A little further along we found an excellent viewing point for the returning train so we had a bit of walk getting back in time to see it come back - hoping for an excellent blip! The engine was going backward though! Still impressive but no huge plumes of smoke or front end of the engine!
So we had a bit more of an explore of the local area and ended up at glorious Oakworth Railway Station which has been kept in the era of the early 20th Century. The Station Foreman was a real Gent, showing us round the ticket office and explaining how apart from the security alarm, it was completely gas powered.
(I couldn't even see where you could charge up your mobile!)
The platform itself was wonderful - old fashioned signs, advertising hoardings and accoutrements. Awesome. I love old style advertising and took plenty of photo's.
The train was due in soon, in the correct direction, but the light was fading and I couldn't get a great vantage to capture it's majesty as there were other people about it, so that's definitely a blip for another day!
I've got a list going of blips that are for other days and Oakworth is full of them!
EDIT: Have added a link to the old style advertising at Oakworth Station
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