Urban Landscape

While my green landscapes evade me on working days while the daylight hours are short, and the night forecasts are rain and grimness, I am trying to make the most of urban landscapes.

Some photographers take amazing urban scenes, particularly those who work in mono but not exclusively. It looks easy but it isn't, the angle must be perfect, the light just right, the shadows in place, you can't just photograph a building, press the Black and White button and there it is. I've tried and it eludes me so I still have to wait for the sky to do my work for me!

So I was pleased this morning, just before the sun rose, when the sky displayed brushstrokes of colour and a low smoky cloud for me to capture above a small industrial area just up from where I work.

I don't know if it qualifies for the One Street project as it was taken from the top of my adopted street, but not of it.

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