Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Take one cutlery basket and some plastic...

beakers,a few knitted squares,one knitted blanket for a bear,toys you have had from good old Father Christmas and your Nan (my Mum) and VOILA you have a den :D hours she has spent at this table.. HOURS ... my poor Mum,she is knackerd... for if she moves away she is called back,I say 'called' it's more 'NNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN.. NNAAAANNNNNNN WHERE YOU GOING... NNAAANNNNNNNNNN WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK' .... you get the idea :D
My Mum is an excellent player.. she plays and plays and crawls about the floor making her bones hurt.... she is not one for buying her grand daughters things unless it is birthday or Christmas as she says she want's them to love her for her not what she turns up with,well it works,they ADORE her.

Have you missed my rants...I have a minor one :D it's about children's toys...
look,we all know loads of toys are utter plastic crap and that it is over priced,but the thing is,they are only young for a short time and quite frankly I will buy the tatt... I will,they like it,they play with it...I have a couple of pretentious acquaintances who will not buy the type of crap we we do,things like those repulsive Bratz dolls or the like,well do you know what,shut up about your oh so bloody boring counting game..... we can have a counting game AND a load of old tripe....all I can say is boo hoo I would hate to be one of your children you old whiner.... hah.. that feels better.Just remember LIFE IS SHORT what is one £14.99 minging doll in the grand scheme... anyway's,if you don't like what I buy keep it to yourself.

p.s I don't care about little boys having guns and swords either (fake not real) as my brother and cousins had these,it's a rite of passage and so far they have not been into serial killing or hacking up local pets.....

p.p.s my Dad had an air gun and we used to use it,and once I tried to shot my cousin in the back of the head but my Dad caught me and he took the gun away AND my tube of smarties (candy)... I don't know what I was more upset about......

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