
2years 68days

A jam-packed day, but a great one for sure! She woke once last night, 2.30, but then slept til gone 6, so still doing well. First night back at home with Mummy, so we'll see if she does me a merry dance or not!

We had a brief but lovely time with granny and grandad this morning, before we packed the car up. We briefly stopped at home to throw the presents and laundry in the house, change and leave again, heading for the station. The blip is an excited Katie waiting to go on the train - we have had a day in Sheffield.

She was a star on the train, sat munching snacks, looking out the window and playing with the contents of the bag. We got there, met our friend and went for a coffee in the station. Katie was fascinated by the pigeons that were gathered on the (inside!) tables near by.

We walked towards the city centre, with Katie rather interested in several impressive water features. Thankfully only the hands went in. First stop was the Millenium Gallery. It was fantastic for children, really hands on and interactive. There were sculptures made entirely of Sheffield cutlery that had buttons which made them move, talk etc. There were touch/feel boxes and drawers, toy areas, interactive buttons and information points, displays for them to touch. She had a great time. The Christmas Craft exhibition was really pretty. She then had a run round the covered gardens.

We had a late lunch in Pizza Hut before going back into the centre to the Christmas Fair. Katie went on her first teacups ride and her first traditional carousel. We met up a couple of us to go for another coffee, and Katie was on full charm offensive, she was utterly delightful. It was then a bit of a rush to the train to come home. She ate a big snack again but then didnt want to sit in the main carriage. We had to sit in the inbetween bit. We chatted about the day we'd had. "Remember the teacups, Katie?" "Yes, Katie on pink one". She was right. "And we went on the horses " "Yes, Katie on Princess". Also right.

We got back to our village and made a quick visit to her friends Emma and James to drop off James' birthday present and have a little play, before coming home to face the chaos.

PS - check out this new blipper. See if you can work out who it is!

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