Norra Lagnö

I just loved this beautiful red house, had to share it!

M&Z took us on a round trip today. We visited Tollare, the area where Z grew up, next to the school where his father was the rector for many years, we had the honour of taking a tour through the school, and surroundings. Z showed us the path he followed through the woods to his school when he was round about 8 years old! It was so great to see a different part of Sweden, where the houses are almost 100 years old, and so are the oak trees! All in pristine condition up to today, but for some really valued oaks, been removed to make space for a new school, etc!

There after they took us to Norra Lagnö, which is the area, at the coast, where M worked when he first came to Sweden 11 years ago. Wowzer, there are huge private houses, all with a great view of the Baltic Sea! I visited the area in December 2002, when the sea was all iced up and the snow was more than a meter deep, but today was a totally different sight! The sea is not frozen yet, I could walk on it 9 years ago, but today it was impossible, since the water is flowing freely! It was very cold, but the wind was quite calm and no rain, which made it a sparkling day for walking around the different neighbourhoods, seeing beautiful houses, horses, some with blankets on their backs, birds singing and flying all over the place, there are even trees that are so confused with winter not really arriving yet, they're starting to bloom.

We are really tired tonight, but the whole day's fresh air has done us soooo good, I think we are going to sleep like angels tonight!

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