Bird of Prey

I was in the bathroom this afternoon when R snr shouted: Mom, come quickly, bring your camera!! There's a falcon on the bank manager's roof!!

Needless to say, I was out there in a jiffy, C standing in the middle of the front door with my camera ready to hand over to me!

I took lots of shots of it sitting on the roof, then suddenly it took off, and dived toward a tree in the neighbour's garden, with small birds, I am not sure whether it was finches or sparrows, squeeling like crazy and trying to attack the huge bird!! Then we realised he was on his way to their nest with babies!!

We were só upset, but you can't do a thing to help the little ones, this all happened about 10mt high in the top of a tree, in the backyard of a house opposite the driveway, about 50mt away! Eisch! To top it all, you must admit that this is normal in nature!! Damn, how upsetting!!

When he flew away, the parents of the little one followed him, almost like they were chasing him, squeeling like only a 'bereaved parent' can do!

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