Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


IKEA Day today. Carl had his heart set on a storage cabinet unit, so we met at IKEA to check it out and do a general walk-through as well. We met at 2:00 (timing it perfectly to arrive at the turn onto the IKEA slip road at precisely the same moment, despite approaching it from opposite sides of the city). It was well after 4:00 by the time we'd finished our walkabout, and then we went for some IKEA food, braving a very long queue to satisfy my hunger. The food was okay, and it's certainly cheap, but my pasta and the sauce that came with it was far from hot.

Hunger relieved, off we went to Dún Laoghaire in convoy along the (very busy) M50. where we had a well-earned bite to eat after completing the flat-pack assembly (a process which went remarkably smoothly, even if it did take rather a long time). We watched the second episode of Great Expectations, and then Ed, Carl's cross-the-road neighbour knocked at the door and kidnapped us. A few rather nice pints of Guinness in The Eagles, then Ed came back to Carl's place for more chat.

Carl and I finished the day in Carl's Kino watching the Christmas Special episode of Outnumbered, a show we both love, but we had to admit that the Christmas Special wasn't really all that special.

The blip? Just a pile of price-reduced cuddly toys in a big bin in IKEA.

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