vada abditae

By TomS

Waiting Trolleys

This is the platform at Geneva Airport rail station. Getting on the train was a huge relief and I remembered my camera. The trolleys seemed to sum up the day: travel, stops and starts, and long delays.

Still, one cannot complain. For most of human history one would be lucky to travel much more than 30 miles in a day, so to get from York to rural Switzerland in under 11 hours isn't bad. The misery was getting up at 4.15 to catch a plane which was then delayed by 3 hours. Rarely do I want prescience, but today I would have given a lot to have a few extra hours in bed.

It is interesting that when fictional characters are given the power to see into the future, it is always partial and not really under their control. If foresight was as easy as recollection, life would be very hard to live. In fact, I suspect it would quickly become unbearable.

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