The Choir!

These three guys sit on the bookcase beside where I work and when I am bored I switch them all on and pretend to be their conductor! Speaking of choirs I got a call from one of the Argyll choirs to be their Gaelic teacher and to help them pronounce their Mod songs! God help them! Apparantly there are only three fluent speakers in the entire choir but a heap of them are learning via this Ulpan of which I am now a time served tutor though I don't think its the Shangrila the Gaelic bods are hoping ! Anyhows I will try my bestest with this lot

Speaking of choirs, last year there were about a dozen of these musical toys on a shelf in B&Q and I ran and switched them all on at once and began conducting them too! Needless to say, my "grown up kids" ran away! Don't know why as I was having great fun.

Changed the curtains in the sitting room today, they are ones from our house at home or on the island as we tend to call wherever we stay "home" . #2 daughter doesnt like them but then she never complained about them when they were on the croft house!
Fell out with chubby hubby when putting them up cause I couldnt get them to stay on the bloody rail! everytime I opened them they landed on the damn floor so I asked him to fix the ends which he did grudgingly! When chivvied he said "a man would have done this right "! somehow that seemed to set off a chain of expletives from me! So I stormed off and took the dogs for a long wet walk! Back to talking to him now but it was a close thing! Why is it a man will offer to help you willingly but when you ask him to help you, suddenly they have to dash to the toilet for their thrice daily bowel movements or remember they have to send an email! I will never understand their psycology.

Have a good blip evening all and good news about our Dutch bliper Jan, keep talking to the big man on his behalf guys!

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