Home sweet home!

Had to go to the shops to stock up , between food, munchies and drinks (I had to buy someone else's booze too) and with #2 daughters double discount, the till still read £200!!!! the same trolly load a few years back would have been half that. The price of food is astronomical and I still had to go to the butchers for what I call real food!

It has rained solid all day though the temp is quite mild but the entire place is flooded! Im thinking I should build an ark!
Took doggies out and they didnt wat to stay out long so it was a quick walk.
Got Coral paintshop Pro and trying to fig out how the damn thing works, though I find it more user friendly than that dashed PShop Elements.
Will have to persevere with it and pester one of the camera club geeks as he has it and seems to know his way about it and he gave me his number so I will be on the blower soon to him.

Got everything sorted for Hogmanay and just have to go to Oban to colect my cousin tomorrow!
Photo of us at home just chilling

Have a good blip all

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