Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

One ring to rule them all......

I have been somewhat distracted today, the spell cast by my comments on yesterday's blip have had me thinking all day.

Words... what beauty, anger, lust, passion, despair, pity, freedom, all pervade in the way that we say...words.

My enjoyment of poetry, zesty or gentle language, the touch of a lovers whisper, the snarl of bitter anger, the meaning in one word chosen correctly. Do we think in words or are our emotions transferred into them?

What would the World be without them?

We join together with them, we fall apart because of them, they have power and yet they do not cut us, they do not make us bleed. Sticks and stones....that's what my old Gran used to say..... when we see such passion for our simply can't have it both ways!

All this made me think of the first love affair that I had with words; Tolkien- Lord of the Rings. It took me to a world beyond the one I was used to living in, words can do that.

M.L.King....I have a Dream, gives me goose bumps.

Blip seems to combine a lot......Pictures and words......May the heavens help us!!!

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