Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A chill wind blows..

Today, my mind was full of fancy, it usually is some of my friends would say!

Boyhood dreams and wild adolescent fantasies all qued up to be viewed like some uncut movie, loves lost and new desires found, jostling for space in my whimsical head.

The girl on the train whom I fell in love with entirely on a simple journey to the coast, the courageous battles played out on high mountainsides between Ogres and I, tragic poems and wild song all there.

To sleep, perchance to dream........

I will never grow up. An adult I am, but never expect me to give up my childlike ways, the laughter in the woods, that's me!

A long death, life is, if it is not lived!

To all my dreams, go run and play, for the chill wind of growing up breaks upon my shore. While my eye is still heaven drawn there will always be shelter for nonsense and whimsy upon my fertile lands.

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