Ryan Joseph

This is my new baby cousin, Ryan Joseph. He was born at 3am this morning. He is very very tiny - he weighs 5lb 12oz! We've just been to the hospital to visit him. I gave him a small white bunny that I picked out for him a few weeks ago. It was sitting under our tree just in case he arrived before Christmas. Mum and Auntie Katie asked me what it was called, and I said Harard. Mum says we will try to think of a different name that will be easier for Ryan to learn!

For a long time I was adamant that Auntie Katie and Uncle Scott's baby was a girl, but I have recently come round to the idea of a boy. For the past week I've been saying that the baby is a boy, and that his name is Baby Jesus. But Auntie Katie said that the baby told her his name was Ryan. This morning when Mum told me that my new cousin had arrived, and told me his name, I said "Lion? A lion goes rahhh!".

Papa says that I am Number One Girl, and that Ryan is Number One Boy. So that's alright then.

Here's a video.

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