
Today's the day .......................... to confess

Even though it was all those years ago - one of the books that Will found in his big reorganisation yesterday, still had the power to make my stomach churn when I saw it. It was my Pitman Shorthand New Course - New Era Edition from my days at Aberdeen College of Commerce.

I have to confess that shorthand and I took an instant dislike to each other - and our relationship from then on went from bad to worse. I just couldn't do it (ask my friend Fiona?!). Something happened in my brain that stopped what I was hearing - turning into a clever scribble that you could read back afterwards. I was embarrassingly dreadful at it - by far the worst in the class.

Fortunately, throughout my working life no-one has ever asked me for a shorthand certificate - which is just as well because I never managed to pass any exams in it.

So when Will asked me - did I want to keep my Pitman's - I hesitated for a brief second thinking that perhaps there was still time for me to master its devilish secrets? But the moment quickly passed - Life's too short, isn't it ...........................?!

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