Today's the day

By sheilwill

Screw tops

Today's the day ...................... for a bit of a rant

Sorry everyone - but today I am going to express strongly my opinion about the impossibility of opening plastic screw top bottles containing fizzy liquids. I speak mainly on behalf of my mother featured above trying to open a bottle of tonic water. As you can see, she has it wedged in the hinge of the kitchen door and is hoping that this will clamp it tightly enough so that she can turn the bottle and thereby open it.

Now some people might say - should an elderly lady still be indulging in a daily gin and tonic? I would say a resounding 'yes!' and that the makers of these impossible-to-open bottles should be taken to task and made to think up some other way of sealing their products.

Does anyone else out there agree with me ...............?!

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