These boots are made for....

...gardening, and that's just what they'll do, perhaps tomorrow?

Dave said he hated me plodding around in my too small, ripped and torn gumboots and he wanted to buy me a gardener for life the best gumboots there are on the market in NZ. And so out we ventured early this morning after the usual hospital run. (Dave's bloods are looking good now - nice and "thin").

We found them at Bunnings for $85 but, not my size. Across the road to Placemakers where they had my size but they were $98!!! I am not very good at this but I said to the guy "is this the best price you can do? Bunnings have them for $85" and he tapped away on his calculator, frowning away. Then said "yes I can match that". Pays to ask!

Such was the excitement of my day. But I am feeling nice and relaxed and happy to be excited by small events.

Thanks for visiting today mum! And filling in some gaps in the project started yesterday.

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