Rock n Roll Ice Cream

2years 70days

We've had a lot of fun today. We started about 6.30 which isnt too early but is pretty early for the rest of the household on a holiday So we played in our room. She had cereal and toast and while i was making that, she spotted the box of ice cream cornets on the top so was rather determined to have an ice cream. She sat at the drums and the guitars eating it, strumming and bashing away.

When everyone was up and ready, Uncle Simon and I took her out for a bit of a walk. We made it to town, went to see my old work. On the way from there, she fell asleep in my arms, just flopped, so we then stopped at my favourite coffee shop in Scarborough for a very yummy coffee.

We headed back to G & Gdad's for lunch, spagetti. Katie ate her "wigglys" really well. Lots of it! We then all wrapped up and headed down towards the beach, Katie skipping and running along. We first of all stopped at the Rotunda Musuem. Katie liked some of the children's activities - there were dinosaur shape sorting type things, microscopes and touch displays.

We walked along the Foreshore after the Musuem. Katie remembered a Barney ride that she had spotted on Christmas Day, so we went to look for it. We got there and of course it wasnt working. We moved her onto a Hello Kitty ride, which she said she wanted the pennies for, so I put the money in. She then cried and insisted on getting out! So we went to the Harbour Bar. Where Katie had her 2nd ice cream of the day, she ate it all!

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