Tea anyone?

14 months 9 days

Another good night - Katie slept through til 5 am, then snoozed/fed until about 8. I'm happy with this for now! We got up and on as we had a couple of jobs to do in the city and several people the past few days had said how hideously busy it's been.

I got her a very cute new skirt but she can't wear it till she's much bigger (although as I type she's walkiing round waving it proudly) and a top and fleece for when she's bigger too. We found that sainsburys had reduced their christmas chocolate, much to mummy's delight and also stopped in their cafe for some lunch for katie and a cuppa for mummy. Katie charmed everyone in their, waving at the old ladies and smiling at the staff.

She had a long sleep, on the way home and then in her cot, before getting up just in time for the arrival of The Cousins. She went completely hyper when she saw them through the front door! We walked them part of the way home and then went to tescos, arriving just in time for bargains. Everything I'd gone in for was reduced/on offer - result.

I made her homemade sausages with cheese and tomato jacket potato for tea, with carrots. She ate fistfuls of carrots, rejected the sausage and ate quite a bit of potato then troughed some rice pudding. A fair attempt overall! As I was cooking, Katie 'cooked' at her kitchen, her big present from Granny and Grandad for Christmas. Here she is 'making tea', she's beginning to get the hang of Lets Pretend, and was playing at drinking, passing me a cup to drink and 'pouring' more from the kettle.

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