How did I resist this?

My yearning for fresh tofu returned today, which meant a drive to Gloucester to the Yip Shing, my favourite chinese food warehouse store. It poured with rain but I enjoyed a slow drive over the crest of the Cotswold ridge and down into the Severn Vale. I called in on a Lidl to stock up on my preferred greek style yogourt, which they sell so cheaply there in huge tubs. It is a bit incongruous as it is made by a Turkish company in Germany and the food miles are a bit silly.

The food miles at the Yip Shing don't bear thinking about, with most of the produce from the Far East, though not all. I nearly blipped the last shot I took there of a stack of Madras Curry powder tubs. Nothing strange in that at an oriental store, except these were being sold in 10 kilogram containers. I doubt if many people would want to lift them, let alone consume that much.

The staff and owners are very friendly and let me wander around with my camera. I have blipped there several times before. The lighting is a bit stark, as it is wholly underground with fluorescent lights. What I would prefer to do is film people and the place more, but it feels a bit intrusive when I only pop in for a few minutes.

I liked these packets of flowers and herbs, which I haven't noticed before. I do sometimes take a punt on a strange bag of herbal goodies, but I don't usually make much use of them. But I do love the food they have there. I bought the usual basics of bulk fresh root ginger, thai red peppers, green curry paste (in a tiny tub), a huge bag of sesame seeds and fresh lemon grass sticks (some of which I will try to get to take root). But the main ingredients are the two containers of fresh tofu, stored in water, each of which will provide portions for two once it is marinated with dark soy sauce and later fried with garlic, lemon grass and spring onions. I hope to cook some tomorrow evening.

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