A lovely quiet day to play

I had hoped to feel well enough last night to go to a friend's birthday party, but neither of us managed it. Helena caught this bug from me and has been feeling rough for a few days now.

Having finished the circular jigsaw a couple of days ago, after I'd blipped it, with only a few hours help from me, she has now started one of two new puzzles she'd bought online and which arrived yesterday! Today we have both been pottering about. I've been reading my new book (secondhand), called The Wycherley Woman by Ross Macdonald, which Helena found as a Christmas present for me. She knows I love his books and spotted I didn't have this one. I had read it before years ago, but must have given it away, but it is a cracker. I will be back with it very soon.

Helena wanted to watch the Railway Children film which was on tv again, and this was followed by a sequel to the Secret Garden. She loves children's stories and I wish she would try writing some, as she does have a feel for and the skills to do it really well. Today she has wrapped herself up in her serape that she bought in Atlixco, in the state of Puebla, near Popocatelpetl, Mexico, when she was 26. She is multi-tasking with the film on tv in front of her, whilst browsing the jigsaw pieces and occasionally exclaiming with pleasure when she finds and fits a piece.

I have been asked to take on certain sections of the jigsaw, but it might take me a while to get round to it. Luckily I have to blip first. Then there is a book to read , and food to eat and a drink or two, then some tv by which time it might be tomorrow .....

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