my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

An Elegant Bird

Weird family stuff today. Two ill parents and forced fun. Not good.

Hearing a lot of plans for NYE, I am prepared for the evening by having an origami fest while watching a bit of Jools. The girls are with me so can't go to the pub but I will nip outside at 12 bells to watch the fireworks.

I am determined to create a crane.The first of my 1000 But by god they are harder to make than they look.

So I made a rather less elegant bird tonight...but I'm getting there and actually I think it's teaching me an important lesson...I'm a bit of an instant gratification girl and don't like waiting, if I don't see results instantly I can easily give up.

But folding these little birds and them getting a bit better each time has been quite satisfying.

So got the vintage music sheets, painted, cut and ready to be turned into little (possibly non elegant) birds by the end of 2011

"An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. In Japan, it is commonly said that folding 1000 paper origami cranes makes a person's wish come true."

I have a big wish

kate <kiss>

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