Happy New Year

This is the last sun of 2011 breaking behind the Jewsons sign. I don't really think I could have picked a more poignant or relevant photograph today.

2011 has been a weird mix of changes and upheaval. I think my issues from March time have been well documented, and although I removed most of my write ups from that time I think the remaining photos give anyone not aware a picture of what I went through. In 2011 I've also managed to alienate / cleanse my friends list in a similar way to deleting people from Facebook. I've been bullied out of a job and then not left alone once I finally gave up the ghost. I've been only a gnats knacker away from being bankrupt and alone with no job or prospects. Finally (and worst of all) my beloved football team are currently languishing in thier lowest position for over 100 years.

However most of this changed in the final four months of 2011. Firstly (and most importantly) I met a wonderful girl who has managed to help steady the ship and give me fresh hope for the future. secondly (and financially most importantly) I managed to secure a great job at Jewsons in Lincoln as the assistant branch manager. In just four months I've gone from zero to hero.

I think it's always important to appreciate what you've got as opposed to what you haven't, and right now I have got the one thing that has been alluding me for a long while: a proper future. I have direction, purpose and self satisfaction that I'm heading in the right direction. I'll admit right now I feel I've met a girl with whom I could quite comfortably spend a long period of time, and my job is something I genuinely enjoy. I relish waking up in a morning now because I know the day holds something for me. Hence the sun rising over a Jewson sign.

In other news I also met some great people and expanded my horizons in 2011. For instance I attended a rugby 7's event which is well outside my comfort zone (incidentally anything egg shaped cannot be classed as a ball). I also met a wonderful friend from Germany who really contributed to pulling me out of the mire in 2011. I'd like to thank her as well for everything she did for me.

So yeah, that was 'the year that the devil built' and I survived it. I know it was the same for my Mum and for Fe and both survived as well. Now we can all look forward to 2012 with a sense of optimism and excitement.

Happy new year everyone.

I'll be catching up on comments hopefully early in 2012 as I've missed you lot. Plus I'm thinking of you baldy carrie, hope all is okay.

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