Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

New Year's Eve

Not long now and the new year will be here. We went over next door for a small gathering, but the kids conked out at 10pm, so we're back home with them in bed...on the proviso that we get them up for midnight so they can see any fireworks.

The fire siren has just gone off, so hopefully they don't have to be out for too long, and can be back with their families in time to see the new year in. Our neighbour is manning the First Response Ambulance, so hopefully he won't have to join them...odds are he will.

Stay safe people. See the new year in, and lets all just farewell this 2011. For the most part 2011 has been good to us, with a couple of moments that haven't been great, but on the whole, it has been good.

Highlights of the year -
My brother's wedding
Holiday in the South Island
Getting a new job
Our first year in our lovely new house.
A new nephew
The Youngest started school (has taken to it like a duck to water)
Welcoming Anushka (the kittencat) into our home

2 broken arms for the Eldest
The unexpected death of the Eldest's teacher at the beginning of the year - RIP Rozelle Venter, you will not be forgotten.
The illness of our new born nephew (hopefully will be all good from here)
The loss of Patch the rabbit

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