Slange Var

Well it's that time of year already. What a year it has been, mainly for the better, especially after I left my job in March and started working for myself. I can honestly say that was one of the best decisions I've ever made as have been really happy ever since and have had a much better work/life balance thats allowed me to do interesting stuff with the family each weekend instead of working/on call, and definitely less stress.

New Years resolutions - probably to eat a bit more healthy, less chocolate, more exercise and get out fishing more.

As is traditional, the bottle of Perthshires finest whisky was taken out of the cupboard, dust blown off, trusty glass found, and this years one and only whisky poured, savoured and enjoyed (I'm not a whisky drinker but always have one at new year). This year with two jigsaw puzzle shaped ice cubes. Not really supposed to take with antibiotics but what the hell, its medicinal and fairly warms your chest ;)

I bought this bottle when #1 Son was born 14 years ago and it's still not finished, possibly one or two more drams left. Must visit the distillery in the next few days as haven't been up in a while and I like the setting but have never blipped.

Is your glass half full or half empty? Hope you all have a happy and prosperous 2012.


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