Planko's Pics

By planko

Last sunset of 2012

In a break with tradition, i'm not posting a shot of a glass of Malt this evening. Instead, here's the last sunset of 2012 taken at the side of the road on the way home from shopping after work.

Not sure how i feel about 2012. Mixed bag of a year for us. I'm thankful the olds are both still here after what happened to my Aunt in the summer.

Looking back at last years resolutions, they are probably the same for this year:

Eat a bit more healthy, less chocolate, more exercise and get out fishing more.

I failed miserably on the eating/exercise front, although did get out fishing more this year, got right into Salmon fishing and aim to keep that up this year. Fishing has also led to me drinking more whisky in 2 trips than i've drunk over the last 3 years, and will of course be having my traditional one at the bells.

Here's to 2013. Hope you all have a good one.

Lang may yer lum reek!


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