...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

NYE 2011

Happy New Years Eve! We spent the afternoon at my Grandmas house with her and my Aunt. We had some pizza and worked on some stuff for Bapa's celebration of life 'party' that will be next weekend. Going through the hundreds of photos of him and my Granny proved that they had an amazing life together that was filled with lots of love, parties, travel, family, and wine.

2011 has been a year of extreme highs and lows for my friends and family, but I can't deny it will always be a favorite year for me with the addition of our Miles Dean.

The last couple nights he's really been showing off his strong little legs, and standing on his own quite a bit. He's even stumbled a few very unsteady steps on his own (but I wouldn't call it his first steps quite yet). But I never have the camera ready when he does this. And when my camera is on him, he never shows interest in standing. So while I wanted tonight's blip to be of him standing on his own two feet...you get this instead...a self portrait of the photographer and the subject wishing all the blippers a safe and healthy 2012.

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