30 Days

By Knaggs

The party's over...

When we were little, my sister and I would be woken up a few minutes before midnight on NYE to join the grown-ups downstairs to see in the new year. We would even get a sip of champagne, a deliciously thrilling addition to what was already an overwhelmingly exciting experience.

When I got older, those few minutes of celebration became a few hours - it was all about the big parties and clubs. I'd spend the night behaving inappropriately - kissing strangers, getting horribly drunk - and spend the next day weighed down with regrets and hangover

These days, my New Year celebrations resemble those of my childhood again. Yesterday, my man and I spent a lot of the day luxuriously snuggled up in bed, dozing and dreaming. We woke up late in the evening, cooked a special Italian-style dinner then polished off a few glasses of Prosecco and pomegranate cocktails. It was a quiet night but a wonderful one. I can't think of a better way to see in a new year than with the one you intend to spend it with.

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