
By RaceyTrace333

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all you blippers out there. Lets hope it is a good one.

Well today I thought I would try and create something, as it is my 100th blip.

I only started to take photogaphy up as a hobby back in May 2011. Something I have always fancied doing. I would like to thank thank the blippers that encouraged me to join Blipfoto, it is one of the best things I have done, and met some great friends. At times it has been challenging as I am on the road a lot with work, which you would think I would have lots of opportunities, only sometimes my blip is the last thing on my mind. Still I have made it, sometimes with only minutes to spare, and some back blipping.

I would also like to thank you all who have commented and given me stars and also favourited some of my blips and for the advice given, it has really helped me since my first blip.

Although you do not always see it on blip everyday I have improved with some of my shots. This might not seem the case sometimes as in the week, I mainly use my mobile phone camera, which I hate doing, but it is down to lack of time in my day.

The Canon lens on here is a lens cup, my neighbours brought it for me for Christmas, so that I can take oout a hot drink with me when I am out and about with the camera. It replicates the Canon Macro 100mm.

I hope you all have a good 2012 and are able to achieve your goals for this year.

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