Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

New year rants

Days are still days


Being emotional was quite a way to start off a whole new year.
Pouring everything out, standing stronger than ever.

If you wish to carry on screaming and spoil your new year, go ahead then.
I wouldn't stop you, I don't have the ability to stop you anyway.

Why won't you realise why are things happening the way it is now?
You blame us for it, you think that we are the root of all these shit.
But why would you never realise who is the actual cause? Why would you never realise you yourself is the real troublemaker? The real ass? Do I still have to spell it out for you? I believe you are old enough to think about it.

Do not blame others for taking away your happiness.
You're the one who grants them permission to snatch it away.

Poker face for you.


I will live for everything else 'cept you.

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