Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Happy New Year Everyone!

I'm not a big fan of New Year as I tend to get all melancholy and think of what could have been or what did happen. But despite 2011 being a difficult year again for most people, I can look back and reflect on a lot of successes:

In July I graduated with First Class Honours in my BA (Hons) Business & Management Degree.

I've made some great new friends.

I've started blogging and been involved with podcasting. Thanks to Tzevai and Dave!

I've taken steps to try and improve myself.

And of course I joined Blipfoto, which has been a wonderful experience.

But it's also been a year when, for the first time, I've realised how time is catching up with those that I love the most.

So we enter 2012, many challenges lay ahead but they're challenges which I'm looking forward to.

Good Luck Everybody!

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