Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

More Llewellyn than Larry

He may not be Little Larry but he's my Llewellyn!

Had a fascinating morning watching the birds in the garden, they were out there in their droves and I was clicking away like David Bailey. Lol! Nervous little things though, they kept scaring each other and then they'd all fly to the bushes and then come back for more food.

I don't know if this little fella will be back, I hope so and I've read that robins are territorial birds so hopefully he likes the territory in my back garden. I read about breeding your own mealworms, which robins apparently love, I think I'll give that a miss. Lol!

I don't care if I see anything else worth blipping today, seeing the little birds this morning has been a pleasure.

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