Presque French

By Kateandco


Hello Blipland! Happy New Year. This is my first ever blip, I have been thinking about it all day. We *were* going to go to the park today as the weather was nice but we didn't make it there so I took a quick picture of Mylo and Naia recovering on the sofa from the party last night.
We had a NYE party last night with two couples of friends and their children, none of us got to bed before 3am and as this was the first year I haven't been either pregnant or breastfeeding or both I decided to celebrate by having too much to drink so I felt very delicate when I got up this morning. The house looked like we had hosted a rave party rather than a child friendly NYE party with six adults and seven children so Ion and I cleaned up whilst the children slept in, we got them up at 11am and we all had a nice brunch then a nap, then we played inside this afternoon as none of us felt up to going outside which is a shame really as the weather was nice and it isn't going to be nice for days now!
I have some New Years Resolutions which I am going to try and keep this year...

1. I shall shout less at the children. It doesn't work and just makes us all feel bad. I have dug out my copy of How to talk so that... and I am trying to put it into practice rather than just reading it. Having said that I shouted at Mylo when he dropped his dinner on the floor earlier so I am not doing so well so far!

2. I shall try and cook at least one new dish a week.

3. We shall eat a more balanced and nutritious diet. More vegetables and more fruit. This is not such a problem for Ion, Naia and I but Mylo (3yo) is really difficult, he doesn't like trying new things. He says vegetables are 'gusting.

4. I will not start smoking again.

2012 is going to be a year of changes here I guess as I am due back at work in Spetember and Naia will be going to nursery then too, that means Mylo will have to do full days at school rather than the mornings he currently does and Ion will have to start doing a bit of housework sometimes!

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