Presque French

By Kateandco

Happy new year ducks!

Apologies for the unloveliness of this picture, we have not had a good day and this was the only moment we got out.
Naia took over an hour to go down last night, overtired probably but it wasn't very nice for any of us. Then she woke at 3am which she never does and got into bed with us as she wouldn't settle in her cot. Up late this morning and took some things back to a friend then back home for lunch, the kids had a three hour nap whilst I was stuck in because ion spent the last day of his holiday at a&e because his eye hurts. I probably sound unsympathetic but ion never goes to the doctors he only goes to a&e. Why? No idea. So when the children woke up we dashed off out to get something for dinner and as there was a lull in the rain I took them to say happy new year to the ducks and a quick go on the merry go round!
Mylo is back at school tomorrow so I must remember to set my alarm clock or we will never be on time!
Here's to having a better day tomorrow!

ugh, another two hours getting a screeching Naia to sleep. I hate hearing her cry. Nothing I do seems to make her feel better. I really hope that this is just the by product of all those late nights and that getting back to the routine of Mylo being at school will help her get over it. Makes me feel like a truly dreadful mum not to be able to comfort my own child! On the upside just noticed something really cool that blip recognises automatically what camera you use to take your photo with! How cool is that? Going to try and use the proper camera again tomorrow rather than the iphone.

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