michigan man

By outdoorguy


January 1st, 2012. What happened to 2011? It just disappeared.

We had a quiet night last night. We usually go to my brother-in-laws, and watch a movie or play euchre. Last night we had the baby...so they came over to our house. Uncle Steve and I spent the first two hours setting up our new TV and TV stand. So complicated. I'm glad he was here. 42 inch screen with HD. Woo-Hoo!!!

We took a long time to join the thin screen generation. The new set replaced a 27 inch monster that you can't even give away. It didn't help that I let it fall off the dollie as I took it down my back stairs. Oops!

We did play a little euchre last night. It's the only card game I know how to play. I wasn't keeping track...but the men won 4 games, and the ladies won 1 game. Like taking candy from a baby.

The music on ABC's Rockin Eve made me feel like an old man. A black girl whose name I forgot came out dressed like a lamp-shade. Lady Ga-Ga came out dressed like an octopus, and after taking off the outer level...she looked like a planet. Justin Beiber singing "Let it be" was almost sacrilegious, and then a guy came out named Pitbull. I miss the old days of Harry Chapin coming on stage with a guitar and a stool. Nuff said.

Raining, cold, and windy here. I got a few looks when I was driving around in my truck, and taking pictures of signs. A few places like Goodwill and Planet Fitness were actually open. Surprised me.

Happy New Year from myself, Colonel Sanders (finger-licking good), and Mr. Lennox...a local heating guy. I liked the way he is tipping his cap.

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