Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Pirate Fairy on the loose!

be warned for I be armed and ready,
do as one says, and all will be ok,
the world domination I stated yesterday,
begins now, you better be ready!

Today started at 930am,
when I was finally ready to roll out of bed,
With a bounce and a grin,
We came downstairs, breakfast served,
I sniff, I take a chew,
hmph, I throw it too the floor,
grabbing my stool, I raid the sideboard,
finding prawn crackers, I steal
and run with a cheeky giggle,
that'll do for starters!!
I have been in a mischievous mood today,
its much more fun then behaving,
getting into everything,
watching mummy tidy and undoing it behind her,
Watching daddy do the washing,
then grabbing it and lining it up on the floor,
suddenly I spot a box, I nose, dig around,
stealing mummys tricorn, and a flintlock,
I turn from a household unhelpful fairy,
into a scary pirate fairy...
run now whilst you still can!!

(this is a non working flintlock before anyone asks!!)

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