Do you mind,
***ppfftttggahhhhggerroooff meeeeeeeeee****
Its in my eyesssssss,
I no like this***spluttercoughgahhh***
Its in my mouth.....ewwwwww
taste bad, water, no like water
****slap water away, shake my head
So not funny you two,
***ggeerrroooooffffffffff meeeeee

****disgruntled noises emit from one child,
as she is washed,
then handed to daddy,
she glances back a look of death,
**How very dare you try to make me clean**
before she wanders off,
in search of a hidden biscuit,
ready to undo all the cleanliness!!!

(No child was harmed in the making of this blip, Only ones dignity has a small dent, Oh bath time is such fun in this household!!!)

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