A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

Just messing !

Spent the morning relaxing and sitting around chatting with Fraz before he left for London once again .
Started ' messing ' with the balloons lying around from yesterday.
Game 1: 'Draw a face on your balloon that suggests how you are feeling .'
This was Fraz's contribution.He informed me that it was ' minimal art!'
(AIRHEAD!!) So ,why was the tongue hanging out?Ahhhh that was in anticipation of the starter we had prepared earlier, a recipe Fraz saw on Saturday morning TV for 'Haggis Bhajis with an orange whisky dipping sauce.' It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown bhaji but I have to say, we were very pleasantly surprised by the combinatin of flavours - Fraz said another couple of chillis and a touch more garlic and they would have been PERFECT. The sauce was simply superb.A couple of glasses of Irn Bru (his poison of choice)washed down the rest of a substantial parting dinner for him.Time to digest again. 'Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy' has to be our family motto!
Car packed and it was the time I had been dreading.The last of the clan was leaving.However, we will be seeing his 'well kent face' in three more weeks when we set out on holiday together, so that will keep me sane in the meantime.They say if you miss someone, that means you're lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.In that case I am SOOOOOOOO LUCKY!

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