Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Oh What a Tangled Web We Knit...........

.........when first we practice to purl!

Christmas Decorations are packed away and this morning we were back to 'school'. This afternoon we had wanted to go for a walk, but the rain kept threatening and I didn't feel like getting caught in it, so I tackled some ironing instead then sat down with Aiden to go through a lovely new book she received for Christmas from her Gran, and she practiced some 'purl'.

A Daughter

A daughter is a wonderful blessing
a treasure from above
she's laughter, warmth and special charm
she's thoughtfulness and love

A daughter brings a special joy
that comes from deep inside
and as she grows to womanhood
she fills your heart with pride

With every year that passes
she's more special than before
through every stage, through age
you love her even more

No words can describe the warm memories
the pride and gratitude, too
that comes from having a daughter
to love and to cherish ... just like you

I love you, Aiden.

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